Sunday, 9. April 2006
No-seam, no-purl Rosebud!
Right now I am soaring along on Rosebud from (sorry no link) which I got for free with my Heirloom Knitting book, completed the center that had been abandoned for my Rainbow Pi shawl (I am currently trying to figure out if the used patterns are in the public domain or not.. all but one seem to be, still debating the last one, so that I can publish the pattern).

I picked up stitches for the border around the center square, but I couldnt be beaten to purl every second row... nor could I bring myself to knit all the borders seperately and have ugly seams in my shawl - i used a technique I have used to tighten the first row in socks to create a no-sew no-purl border version.

When the camera powers up I will bring a picture tutorial and also link to it from the Heirloom Knitting group - because, honestly, who wants to purl roughly 25000 stitches?

I am using a MAC (ewww) thus the short post and the typos, I just cant get aquainted with the keyboard.

Have a nice day
