Friday, 14. April 2006
The Rosebud
I am not just knitting on Rosebud, but almost... I did finish a "Samus" (see Knitty Archives, if you're REALLY interested ;-) sleeve, although admittedly a short one because I am knitting Samus for a friend of mine living in Taiwan, who is a short slim girl. I will visit her for a month from May 15 (day after Charming Nephew's baptism), and wanted to bring her a present.

Rosebud is coming along, though my "old friend", the fear-of-running-out-of-yarn, is slowly knocking on the door again - 39 rounds of 90 of the border, plus the edging, uh... nope, no way I'll make it with two balls of yarn.
I love how this is working out, though I am a bit uneasy about how my rows(rounds) have lenghtened themselves by 200 stitches! All this knitting with white lace yarn makes my head spin and my creativity flow... Thinking about perfect shawl shapes, about easy constructions, lace patterns, garter st. borders in the round with points made of extra-large YO's (triple, quadruple?), stoles with round edgings and triangular shawls with rounded corners... Oh the possibillities are endless.

Isnt it good wool is forgiving and that there is no end to wool supply? :-)

PS: has new colour of the evilla (Evil?) ArtYarn, and also more of the Kauni... ooh.. EEEvil...