Tuesday, 20. June 2006
Never turning back
75 of 121 repeats are done, 17848 stitches and three corners, two long sides. (121? Yes, the revised number. When I was knitting Rainbow Pi I revised the total number of edging repeats 4 times). I still need 11636 stitches, sounds doable.
The comes the moment of grafting the edgings together in lace - and then comes what I like to call "The Moment of Freedom", when I may start something else. I rarely turn back to completed knitting projects and give the pattern another go, thus the title. I MAY, however, do it with this pattern, using another yarn (Silk? Cashmere?) and changing the patterning ever so slightly.

When i finish major projects, I have a hard time starting anything, but just plod along on socks and maybe another toy, but when the post-project doldrums are over, I want to knit a sweater with waist-shaping, slits in the sides, sleeves with garter-stitch edging and a square-ish neck opening framed with garter stitch in This wonderfull yarn.
It is so mean. She has new colours of that yarn coming, and I just really really dont need more yarn :-) Especially mean because last time, she sent her brother with the yarn to hang it on my doorknob, obliterating postage. Argh! Too easy to get by to resist!

Have a really nice day.


PS: I finished a polar bear in dead-white syntethics. It really looks dead. Next up: Knitting a toy with built-in clothes! Wee!