Thursday, 22. June 2006
Rosebud pictures.
Today I am at my friends house again - the friend who owns this and these.
His computer is actually able to upload pictures! I brought my own camera and took the opportunity to take a picture of Rosebud. As you can see, the border is nearing the fourth corner (Because I cheated and started a few repeats before the first corner to get it just right).
Now I can see the whole shawl evolving, it is amazing and I love every second of seeing this.

Where do YOU sit and knit?

When I am at my friends house, I do think my knitting place is the best of all knitting places in the world:

I love that chair. It is like a big hug. Someday, I hope that I will find a chair like this and be able to take it home with me. Who doesent want a fabulous knitting chair? :)

Have a really nice day


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