Friday, 27. October 2006
Marianne Revisited!!
What I did not share with the blog was, that after taking the picture and contemplating the uber-long sleeves and body, I... ripped. No pictures, it was too painfull.

I took off 3" of each sleeve, and ripped the body down to 4". Then I reknit the whole she-bang, using considerably less yarn - tried it on, and almost went into a fit over how SHORT it was! Solution:

Rip out the double hem, knit another 3" down, add a picot hem (Added bonus: Now all hems are doubled with picots! yes!).

Before throwing it in the washer, it fit quite well as you can see from the picture:

Marianne, Revisited

Finally! I love this sweater, and the lace patterns work out way better now, in the shrunken versions.

My only beef with Marianne? It is too loose in the body. I just could not be bothered to rip the whole body out - AGAIN - and reknit it!

Yarn: Evilla 5/2 in Grey/Green, exactly 288g.

Pattern: My own, entirely, with a faint nod to Elizabeth Zimmermann's Percentage System. Raglan, bottom up, with picot hems.

Time: Since I knit this twice, around a month - three months for finishing it the first time, then it marinated for a few months, and then another week to finish it the second time.

Needles: 4 and 3.5 mm Holz and Stein Ebony needles :-)

Comments: Love this yarn. Love the needles. Now, I love the end product too!!

Following this, I will spend some time on the denim baby sweater - my knitting time is sparse because of the inordinate amount of time I spend rehearsing the organ, and doing houseduties ;-)

Have a really nice day


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