Thursday, 1. June 2006
Just a few pictures.
I finally got my camera cleared, but had to face the reality: I am a crappy photographer. I really want a course or two in photographing, but the ones offered at the place I bought my camera were offered while I am here in TaiWan! Such unlucky coincidence.

Anyways, first off, my Lornas Laces sock, much too light, in the plane as we are descending upon TaiWan:

I am making up the pattern myself based on a wide rib as I couldnt be bothered with all those cable crossings when it came down to it.

A woman at the hostel where I am living - because my friend lives here - borrowed me a small magazine with articles about TaiPei, and I found this article about the "Fabric Road". Whoa! I went there next day and found hundreds of shops, both in a shopping house and right on the street. This picture illustrates what really caught me: Silk fabrics. I bought 2x3 and 1x2 yards of nice fabrics, at 180 NTD/yard. I might be back for more!!

A few days after that I went to the "ShiLin President Residency", where Chiang Kai Shek lived most of the year until his death. The house is off-limits - i believe it is used for housing official guests - but the gardens are wonderfull and accessible for free.
I was amazed to get to know a fun, but annoying, taiwanese tradition: A few weeks before the wedding the bride and groom dress up - some as mogolic warriors, some as typical western brides and grooms, some like they were on the Court in France around 1650....
Then they take a lot of photographs, to use in a wedding album. Apparently the gardens I was visiting are a VERY popular place to do that, and I had to constantly stop or move because I was standing in the background or foreground of a wedding picture. Pshew.....
I got a much better picture than any taiwanese bride or groom could have yielded me:

So beautifull.

The last picture is from TaiTung where I roamed a small park with tall mountains - I dont think I really know what i was doing, but I climbed all those mountains and might have left a pound or two while doing that.
There was an amazing wildlife considering that the park was in the middle of the city, just look at this animal I caught with my camera:

Have a really nice day, everybody!
